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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Semana 7 (por Lula)

Despertador con diana láser

If you've ever wanted to shoot your alarm clock, now you can!
By our calculations, approximately 5 out of 7 days of the week start off with a rude awakening. Some awful noise pulls you out of your slumber and, if you're anything like us, you are more than ready to shoot whatever is making that terrible sound. Well, now you can
A laser beam aimed at the exact center of the target is the only way to turn off the alarm sound in the morning. When the laser hits the target the alarm is turned off for 24 hours and goes off at the same time the next day. The alarm will always do this until manually de-activated or the alarm time changes. When you wake up to an alarm and you have to concentrate to carefully aim the laser beam at the target, you'll be suitably awake so as not to easily fall back asleep. At least that's the theory, but we'll let you conduct the real world testing. Battery operated (not included).
Para ver más.

Enfriador de vino

Keeping a bottle of chilled white wine in the fridge at all times is reserved for the super organised and gigantic American fridge brigade. For the rest of us in the real world, when an impromptu occasion for a bottle of champagne on ice, the coldest of beers or a cool can of cola is upon us, the best we can come up with is something tepid from the cupboard or un-chilled from the offie - which we then have to fill with ice thus diluting the joy. This sleek and stylish Wine Chiller is here to save us. All you need to do to get super-chilled drinks in minutes is throw some ice and water into the machine, and in one minute your cans will be cold, in three and a half minutes a bottle of wine will be crisply chilled, and in six minutes a bottle of champagne is suitably super-cool. Forty times faster at cooling than a freezer, the days of luke warm wine are a distant memory, and when you become the host of an impromptu bash you can simply chill!
Para ver más.

El mayor dibujo del mundo: increible historia de un joven y su GPS.

Este jóven tenía ganas de viajar y a la vez de crear un autoretrato, pero realmente no sabía que técnica de dibujo usar, finalmente terminó inventando una nueva con su GPS. Contrató a una empresa de tecnología para que le diseñaran un dispositivo GPS con un tracking y baterías muchísimo más avanzado que los dispositivos normales, una vez estuvo listo, la puso en una valija y la encendío, el GPS estaba funcionando. Ahora, lo único que le restaba era comenzar a dibujar su autoretrato con dos elementos, el mundo (representando al papel) y su GPS (repesentando al lápiz).
Realizando un tracking mediante el GPS pudo en todo momento crear una ruta a través del mundo, el resultado es su retrato en el mapa.

Para ver más.

Elegí estos tres articulos ya que me llama la atención el avance de la tecnología, ya sea en pequeños gadgets, que utilizamos en nuestra vida cotidiana, o como en este video, que es utilizada para “dibujar” y batir un record.

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