Google Knol, the Wikipedia-like service that was released in its first alpha phase in December last year is now available to everyone.
Though the key concept of both Google Knol and Wikipedia is same but both services focus on different aspects of open-source knowledge sharing and in no way Google Knol can be tagged as a Wikipedia Killer.
Though the key concept of both Google Knol and Wikipedia is same but both services focus on different aspects of open-source knowledge sharing and in no way Google Knol can be tagged as a Wikipedia Killer.
In Google Knols, authors can write on any article known as a Knol and each Knol is associated with an author which describes only their views and opinion so of course there can be multiple Knols on a particular subject.
elegí esta noticia porque uso mucho Wikipedia y me parece que Google Knol es mejor.
Send any Media from PC to Phone for Free
This is something that you should check out with a priority! Confronted a great application called Zipclip which with a mouse click, sends videos, photos, images and text are sent instantly to your or your friend’s phone.
There are two parts to download, one for your phone and second for your computer! and after installation it links the two together and allows them to share media.
There are two parts to download, one for your phone and second for your computer! and after installation it links the two together and allows them to share media.
La elegí porqeu me pareció muy útil y muestra el avance de la tecnología.
AOL Makes Big Budget Cuts Across Blogs (Updated)
AOL is making across the board budget cuts on its blogging properties, we’re hearing from multiple sources. The cuts range up to 25% of each properties total budget, which falls mostly on personnel costs - bloggers are simply being told to take a couple of weeks off for now, and there may or may not be work for them later in August.
One area that seems to be immune from the cuts: The Tech Network (including Engadget), which continues to grow like a weed and drives substantial revenue.
One area that seems to be immune from the cuts: The Tech Network (including Engadget), which continues to grow like a weed and drives substantial revenue.
July 24, 2008
La elegí porque es muy importante que una empresa tan grande se venga abajo.
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