Aug 30th 2008 at 3:12PM
Neurosurgery with robotic assistance is getting pretty old hat nowadays, so it looks like scientists are trying to up the difficulty factor by keeping their patients awake -- a team of French doctors just completed the first successful removal of malignant brain tumor from a still-conscious patient, using a computerized laser and an MRI scanner to guide the probe. The fiber-optic laser was fed into the brain through a 3mm (.12 inch) hole in the patient's skull and guided via MRI to the tumor, where it fired for two minutes and completely destroyed the cancerous tissue. Once the tumor cells were dead, the cable was removed and the patient was allowed to return home -- all within a single day.
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Lo elegí porque esto demuestra como la medicina avanza con la tecnología
Yamaha Trumpet...Cellphone?
Sat Aug 30 2008
Yamaha and KDDI put together a group of concept cellphones with musical themes, including a trumpet, guitar, DJ scratch pad, and drums.
Lo elegí porque el diseño esta bueno y se le dan dos usos, como instrumento y como celular, una muy buena idea de Yamaha.
Coca-Cola empieza a probar surtidores de refrescos con 100 sabores distintos29 / 08 / 2008
Coca-Cola ha presentado una máquina capaz de llenarte el vaso con 100 sabores distintos (de vez en vez), y la cosa parece que va en serio. Las primeras unidades comenzaron a ser distribuidas este verano.
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Lo elegí porque me impresionó como tan solo una maquina produce 100 sabores.
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