Jun 05, 2008

The theme for this week must be the erosion of market share for dominant technologies. Earlier, we reported on the Firefox web browser's steady march into Internet Explorer territory, and today NewTeeVee points to a recent study from Ipsos MediaCT that shows the PC continuing to encroach on the television's dominating position for eyeball time when it comes to video watching. Where are you watching video? Vote in our poll below.
Ipsos MediaCT found that even though TV is still the dominant method of video consumption among those who have streamed a video online, that dominance is slipping. TV was down to 70% of video watching time from 75% last year, while "personal computer" jumped from 11% in 2007 to 19% this year. That was even more pronounced among teens. In the 12-17 age group, PC watching was 24%, while TV was down to 55% of screen time.
"Today, about half of all Internet users aged 12 and up have streamed a video file online in the past 30 days," said Adam Wright, Director at Ipsos MediaCT. "We really see these share gains in non-traditional video channels as not simply an isolated, generation-driven market effect, but rather a large macro-trend in the way consumers want their video content delivered that those in the entertainment industry should increasingly be paying attention to as we look forward to the rest of 2008 and beyond."
Last week, 28% of ReadWriteWeb readers indicated that they prefer online TV to cable. Now we'd like to ask you where you're watching most of your video these days? Bear in mind that a DVD watched on your television, is still video consumed via TV. (We realize this is not the same type of poll conducted by Ipsos MediaCT -- though it was clearly inspired by their study.) Let us know in the comments the different places you're watching video these days.
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La elegí porque me parece increíble que no me sorprenda que cada vez se usa más la computadora que la televisión.
How to Write Protect your USB Drive
Jun 01, 2008

The spread of viruses is mainly due to the incorrect use of Internet and the misuse of external media like the USB or Pen drives. Windows has an auto-run function enabled by default so whenever a USB drive is plugged in, Windows automatically recognizes it and performs a default action like opening the contents of the drive.
Viruses and malware use this method to propagate. When an infected USB drive is plugged into the system, the malware automatically starts up using the auto-run of the drive. This way the malware spreads very quickly.
Today I found out a neat utility which can write protect your USB drive. This comes in handy when you have a virus in your system and you have some fixing tools in your USB drive. You just write protect the USB drive, plug it in and then use the tools on it. In this way, your USB drive will not be affected by any kind of additional viruses which are on the infected system where you plugged in the USB drive.
The name of the utility is Thumbscrew. It sits in system try from where you can enable or disable the write protect function of the USB drive.
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La elegí porque ahora se como llevar informacion a la escuela sin que me entren virus.
Get Jobs Done at Microsoft Task Market
May 30, 2008

Microsoft has introduced a new service called Microsoft Task Market which connects small businesses with skilled freelancers for marketing and other document help such as graphic design, writing and editing, document translation, and creating or enhancing presentations and spreadsheets.
In short and easy words, Task Market allows you to post a job in order to find someone who can do it for you or search for jobs for which you can get paid in return.
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La elegí porque es muy interesante ver cómo avanza la tecnología, ahora se consigue trabajo por internet.
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