HTC fans have finally got another touch-gadget to drool over and its none other than the HTC Touch Diamond which was recently announced by HTC at the May 6 HTC Event held in London. HTC Touch Diamond brings the prism-like look on the back that we have already seem in Nokia Prism and Sony Xperia.
HTC Touch features the latest HTC Touch 3D interface (codenamed HTC Manila). It is the first ever phone which is fully controllable through touch gestures even though it runs on Windows Mobile which is not considered a very touch-friendly OS.
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elegí esta noticia porque me interesan los nuevos modelos de celulares.
MySpace Partners with Yahoo, Twitter, eBay on Data "Availability"

In a surprise move just unveiled this morning, a handful of big players led by MySpace and Yahoo! have announced that public profiles, photos, videos and friend networks will now be portable from one site to another. We're immediately wondering why this was a partnership between a handful of big sites instead of a move to truly open to the web in general.
According to a first report on TechCrunch, the initiative will begin with user information from MySpace being made available to Yahoo, Twitter and eBay in the next few weeks. MySpace is reported to have said that they will seek ways for "mom and pop sites" to participate as well in the future.
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elegí ésta noticia porque me parece que es un tema de interés común.
El futuro del periodismo pasa por la redacción multimedia...

El martes que paso se lanzo Noticias Latinoamerica (NLA), una nueva iniciativa surgida del fenómeno: Periodismo Ciudadano, y ya son otros medios que se suman a esta movida, así tenemos que Canarias 7 buscaba bloggers o “Las noticias de la gente”, es el nuevo espacio de periodismo ciudadano de Diario Panorama, lo que queda claro es que el mundo de la comunicación con la llegada de Internet tendrá que coexistir con nuevos formatos, entre ellos los blogs y videoblogs, que vinieron para quedarse...
mayo 07, 2008
más información aquí.
elegí ésta noticia porque es algo que tiene relación con lo que hacemos en tic, sacamos noticias de Internet y las posteamos.
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